最近小編在追熱播劇《歡樂頌》(Ode To Joy),小魔女曲筱綃在招待外商的時候遠程求助Andy,面對一桌子的上海美味,老外是眼花繚亂充滿了興趣,在問及“三黃雞”時,Andy 報上的菜名是 soy sauce chicken(醬油雞,其實三黃雞是雞的品種,醬油雞是三黃雞的一種烹飪方式),Andy從小在美國長大,可能不確定三黃雞到底是什么東東,對于中國博大精深的美食文化,我們可不能搞錯哦!
Soy sauce chicken is a northern Chinese dish. It is made of chicken that is cooked with soy sauce.There is also a Cantonese-style soy sauce chicken (港式醬油雞) that is not cooked with soy sauce but marinated after cooking.
對于歪果仁來說,他們的菜單很直接,內容就是食材、調料、個人口味的組合,而對于中國菜來講,中國老傳統(tǒng)講究食物的色香味俱全,名字也很有考究,比如:醉蝦(drunken shrimp)、木須肉 (saute shredded pork with eggs & black fungus )、回鍋肉( saute pork in hot sauce)等等,并且中國的八大菜系樣樣俱全!
The "Eight Culinary Cuisines" of China are Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan, and Zhejiang cuisines. The staple foods of Chinese cooking include rice, noodles, vegetables, and sauces and seasonings.
白斬雞White cut chicken
辣子雞丁saute diced chicken with hot peppers
宮爆雞丁saute diced chicken with peanuts
北京烤鴨roast Beijing duck
紅燒鯉魚braised common carp
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